Only the most jaded expat would name their water product Steve and place
such an outrageously poor pun on the bottle. I fail to believe that this a translation error. This is an act of unadulerated malice against some poor
reverse osmosis facility in Toul Kork.
Location: From a fruit juice/soda seller in Russian Market.
I’ve never seen it anywhere else.
Addendum (27/01/2005): I almost ran into a Steve Water delivery van on my motorbike today; so moved I was with my own incredulity. Obviously, it has a wider distribution than I first thought.
We got this water in Juliana Hotel in Phnom Penh. I have been distributing a similar photo to yours to all my colleagues named, or working with, anyone called Steve!
Why yu lock down on me why yu lock down on me ???
Yu man heart no good
Sorry, Steve Khmer. You wouldn’t happen to own Steve’s Steakhouse?