
Sachiko Kojima opened a cookie factory. She was soon supplying foreign tourists from Japan and around the globe with souvenir confections from this northern Cambodia city, the gateway to the Angkor Wat Khmer ruins. Her “Madam Sachiko” cookies, shaped like the ancient ruins, are now the must-buy souvenir for tourists visiting the city.

As much as I thought that candles shaped like Angkor Wat were a slightly profane souvenir (‘See the majestic temples burn to the ground in the comfort of your own home!’), to use a Simpson-ism, these Angkor cookies are sacrilicious. Thankfully the must-buy souvenirs of the “Danger – Mines” t-shirt or a Jayavaraman head carved by small child hands have been supplanted by something edible.

See: Japanese smart cookie finds niche in Cambodia . Madam Sachiko’s own website ( seems to be down.

3 thoughts on “mmm…Angkorlicious”

  1. At one stage in the 1990s you could get biscuit cutters in the shape or various Frank Lloyd Wright buildings. This may have been someone’s in-joke about his term ‘cookie-cutter architecture’. I found a set collecting silverfish in the back of my stepfather’s pantry. Now I wish I’d used them, made extravagantly iced gingerbread houses with them.

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